How to Pick the Right Idea for Your Startup


When trying to come up with the right idea for your startup, you need to consider what makes you unique. If you can’t think of anything unique about yourself, then don’t try starting a business! But if things make your skillset unique and marketable (like being an expert in one field or having a specific skill), then it’s possible that this idea will work out better than others.

Find your talent

How to Pick the Right Idea for Your Startup

The first step to finding a business idea is knowing what you can do. What are your skills? What interests do you have? And how can those traits be used in your new venture? If you’re unsure where to start, there are plenty of resources for entrepreneurs looking for ideas.

Find your passion

How to Pick the Right Idea for Your Startup

It is important that you find something that you are passionate about. You should also find something that you enjoy doing, and are good at.

Finally, thinking about how your idea will make money for you is important. If the product or service does not generate enough revenue to cover its costs, then there is no point in spending time and money on developing it!

Find your market

You have to know your market before you can start making products or services for it. Before you can even think of a business model, it’s important to understand what market problems and pain points exist.

  • What are people’s needs?* What are their preferences?
  • Who are they? How old are they? Where do they live, work and hang out on weekends?

A good place to start is by researching competitors’ websites or other online resources that provide information about the industry (e.g., Google Trends). Once you’ve identified some competitors’ websites, search titles like “How much does it cost?” or “What kind of business does this company run?” until finding one with similar content as yours.*

Think about the problem you want to solve

How to Pick the Right Idea for Your Startup

It’s important to find a problem that you can solve. If you’re starting a startup, you want to make sure it’s something you know how to do and have experience with. You want your idea to be something that excites and inspires you, too—not just something that seems like a good idea at first glance, but one which will actually get people excited about using it or buying from someone who uses it!

The best way I’ve found to find potential solutions is by thinking about what products or services my friends use; this helps me see whether those things could work for other people as well (and vice versa). For example: If I have friends who love their iPhones but hate having them break all the time due to wear & tear on parts inside their phones’ batteries…then maybe there’s some sort of product out there already designed specifically around dealing with this problem! Or if one of my friends tells me they’d love an app where they could order flowers online while still being able to select exactly what kind of bouquet(s) they wanted at any given moment during the delivery day itself (without having someone else pick up groceries), then perhaps there’s already been someone else trying something similar before us?

Make a list of things that will make you unique.

Think of the things that make you unique and different from competitors. List these out on a piece of paper, so you can refer back to them when making decisions about your product or service.

You may have heard this advice before, but it’s true: If people don’t know what you do—or why they should get involved with your business—they won’t be interested in buying anything from you. So think carefully about how each feature or benefit will help people understand why they should buy something from YOU rather than someone else (like Amazon).

Consider your unique skill set and marketability when deciding upon a startup idea.

When starting a business, it’s important to consider your unique skill set and marketability. If you have lots of experience as an entrepreneur, consider how that might be useful when trying to develop new ideas for your startup.

What are some things that make me good at what I do? What makes me unique in my field? What can I bring on board as part of this team (e.g., experience or connections)? How do these strengths play into our overall vision for the company?

By following these steps, you can create the perfect startup that can help solve your problems and make money doing it!

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